Перефразируйте выделенные курсивом части текста ниже, используя слова и выражения из D и E выше.

In the United States, almost anyone can (1) try to run for any office, but there are certain requirements. Presidential and vice-presidential candidates must (2) be natural-born citizens. Other qualifications usually apply such as (3) residency in the
district the office represents. There is one more requirement: (4) persons convicted for serious crimes may not vote or run for office unless their civil rights have been restored. For State and Federal office, one must file with the State Elections Office. A potential candidate will usually be required to (5) provide the signatures of a certain number of registered voters and/or pay a filing fee. If all is in order, the eligible person’s name (6) will appear on the list of candidates competing for office.

арсенийпузырев арсенийпузырев    3   07.04.2020 01:29    2

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