Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение с инфинитивом. e.g. : he dropped his bag. i saw it. – i saw him drop his bag. 1. i saw him. he pointed to a picture on the wall. 2. we saw that the children climbed to the tops of the trees. 3. i noticed that henry went up and spoke to the stranger. 4. he slipped and fell. i saw it. 5. i saw that he opened the door and left the room. 6. they turned the corner and disappeared. we watched them. 7. the doctor touched the boy’s leg. the boy felt it. 8. pete bought some flowers. his friends saw it. 9. tamara saw that the waves carried the boat away. 10. have you heard how he sings the part of herman in tchaikovsky’s “queen of spades”?

ninacat1 ninacat1    1   28.05.2019 09:50    4

pro100leramakh pro100leramakh  25.06.2020 20:22
1. I saw point to a picture on the wall. 
2. We saw the children climb to the tops of the trees. 
3. I noticed Henry go up and spoke to the stranger. 
4. I saw him slip and fall
5. I saw him open the door and leave the room. 
6.  We watched them them turn the corner and disappeare. 
7. The boy felt the doctor touch his leg.
8. Pete'e friends saw him buy some flowers.
9. Tamara saw the waves carry the boat away. 
10. Have you heard him sing the part of Herman in Tchaikovsky’s “Queen of Spades”?
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