Переделайте в косвенную речь 1)he told, "i went to madrid with my son last year" 2)"will sally be here tomorrow? ",she asked him 3)he said "be ready! we must be at business centre" 4)the policeman said, "may i open your bag miss? " 5)she asked mrs brown,"are you interested in politics? " 6)"when did these accidents happen", ann said to me 7)he said to mary," i am not going to ask you" 8) mr white said dick, "what have you told the police? "

ЧеТКиЙВсЕУмиЙ ЧеТКиЙВсЕУмиЙ    2   21.09.2019 14:20    1

zadrotovg zadrotovg  04.08.2020 13:25
1) He told me he had gone to Madrid with his son previous year.
2) She asked him whether Sally would be there the following day.
3)He told me to be ready and added they had to be at business centre.
4)The policeman asked her if he might open her bag.
5)She asked Mrs Brown whether he was interested in politics.
6) Ann asked me when those accidents had happened.
7)He told Mary he was not going to ask her.
8) Mr White asked Dick what he had told the police.
1.He told that he had gone to Madrid with his son the year before last
2.She asked him if  Sally would be here the next day
3.He said  to be ready and that they had to be at business centre
4.The policeman asked  if he might open my bag
5.She asked Mrs Brown if I were interested in politics
6.Ann asked  me when these accidents had happened
7.He said to Mary that he was not going to ask her
8.Mr White asked Dick what he had told the police
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