Переделайте предложения в страдательном залоге). 1. Yesterday I (to introduce) to the new director.

2. The doctor already (to send) for.

3. The whole nation hopes he (to elect) Prime Minister.

4. The police officer noticed that the suitcase (to carry) by the porter in a most strange way.

5. What strange sounds! – Oh, our piano (to tune).

илона2707 илона2707    2   15.12.2020 09:44    3

рита429 рита429  14.01.2021 09:45

1. I was introduced to

2. has been sent for

3. will be elected

4. had been carried

5. is being tuned

человекимир5 человекимир5  14.01.2021 09:45

1 was introduced

2 has already been sent for

3 will be elected

4 was being carried ( в тот момент несли)

5 is being tuned (сейчас настраивают)

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