Переделайте предложения из активного залога в пассивный. lydia will show you a new book. tom gave me a new bag for my birthday. our mother tells us stories every evening. we will do the translation in the evening. you promised me these books long ago. you must do these tasks today. we must send these letters tomorrow. they must do this work thoroughly. students must return the books into the library. he stole a lot of money from the shop. we send our children to the south every year. we will bring the books tomorrow.

арина1492 арина1492    1   29.09.2019 19:00    3

двоишник54 двоишник54  09.10.2020 03:33
1)-will not
2)-didn't give
3)-doesn't tell
4)-will not(won't)
5)-didn't promise
6)-must not
9)-наверно просто he isn't
10)-We don't send
11)-will not(won't)
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