Переделать в косвенную речь (по ) 1. "you are the very person we want, thornton", said pearl. 2. henry asked tom , "who did you visit in the hospital? " 3. mary's mother said to her, "don't go out without your coat". 4. peter asked me, " when are you going to have a dinner? " 5. mother asked jane, " what are you doing here? "

Qwerty1246 Qwerty1246    1   23.06.2019 19:20    2

амина74726 амина74726  19.07.2020 14:53
1. Pearl said that Thornton was the very person they wanted. 
2. Henry asked Tom whom he had visited in the hospital?
3. Mary's mother said her not to go out without her coat.
4. Peter asked me when I was going to have dinner?
5. Mother asked Jane what she was doing there?