Переделать неверные предложения 1. the sun shines brightly in june 2. close the window, the sun shines 3. he reads a lot 4 now he reads an interesting book 5. i like music 6 now i listen to classical music 7. builders and build houses now they are building a new shopping center 9. my friend sleeps well 10. he sleeps, do not bother him 11. she speaks three languages ​​12. she speaks too quickly, i cannot understand her 13. every week i buy products on the market 14. i can not speak, i buy meat on the market 1.she is waiting for me downstairs 2. students are now listening to teachers 3. now they are walking 4. he is playing now with other children 5. now he is preparing dinner 6. my friends are drinking hot tea (now) 7 - now

Hahanicejoke Hahanicejoke    2   11.04.2019 23:46    2

looolll2k17 looolll2k17  12.04.2019 00:50

1. солнце ярко светит в июне 2. закрой окно, солнце светит 3. он много читает 4 теперь он читает интересную книгу 5. мне нравится музыка 6 теперь я слушаю классическую музыку 7. строители и строят дома

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