Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice:
a) I often send greeting cards to my friends.
b) Jack will ask Jim to help him in twenty minutes.
c) The nurse is taking the patient`s temperature now.
d) The doctor is examining the patients now.
e) The teacher will ask the students next lesson.
f) They bought some medicine half an hour ago.

Владимирович11 Владимирович11    1   18.04.2020 11:47    0

sviatolavbazil sviatolavbazil  13.09.2020 11:21

a) Greeting cards are often sent by me to my friends.

b) Jim will be asked to help Jack in twenty minutes.

c) The patient`s temperature is being taken by the nurse now.

d) The patients are being examined by the nurse now.

e) The students will be asked by the teacher next lesson.

f) Some medicine was bought by them half an hour ago.


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