Передайте следующие предложе¬ния в косвенной речи.
1. Lena said, "I saw him at my parents' house last year." 2. She said, "We usually spend my holidays in the village." 3. He said, "I have just received a letter from my dad." 4. The police officer says, "There is no parking here." 5. The mother said, "I have already prepared a breakfast". 6. Ann said, "They are leaving next Mon¬day." 7. The pupil said to the teacher, "I can do my project after the lessons". 8. Kate said, “I translated this article a week ago”. 9. My friend said to me, “I have never been to Crimea. I think I shall go there next holiday." 10. The granny said, "The weather is changing for the better." 11. She said to us, "We don't go to the theatre very often". 12. My friend said, “We’ll be carefully at the beach.”

nastyonakononenkova nastyonakononenkova    3   19.05.2020 16:58    1

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