Past Simple or Present Perfect

Rosie never (was, has been) to Africa.

Our classes (began, have begun) at 8.30 last year.

My little sister (didn’t drink, hasn’t drunk) her glass of milk yet.

We just (chose, have chosen) the presents for Christmas.

Nelly (drew, has drawn) a funny picture last Thursday.

They already (had lunch, have had lunch).

“We (ate, have eaten) all the bananas!” - he said.

I (spent, have spent) all the money yesterday.

We never (swam, have swum) in the ocean.

I already (helped, have helped) my granny.

I never (have spoken, spoke) French.

Last summer we (travelled, have travelled) to Crimea by car.



There are seventeen different kinds of penguins that live in the seas in oceans around the equator and south of it. Some live near the Atlantic, others live on some islands near South America, southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand. They all belong to the bird family. They can swim very well, but they can’t fly. The Galapagos penguin lives in the waters of the Galapagos Islands near South America. It is very small. It is about 45 cm tall, and weights about 2.5 kg. Its body is black and white with black wings of flippers. On its black head there is a thin white line, which runs from its throat up to its eyes. Its bill (another word for beak), is black, pink and yellow. The penguin’s legs are very short. Galapagos penguins eat small fish. They live in small groups. They live up to twenty years. There are now only about 1,000 pairs of Galapagos penguins in the world.

Penguins belong to the fish family.

The Galapagos penguin isn’t very tall.

Its bill (beak) is orange, black and yellow.

Galapagos penguins live in large groups.

It lives up to twenty years.

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Who belong/belongs to the fish family?

How many/much pairs of Galapagos penguins are there in the world?

Where do/does penguins live?


He drinks coffee.

I like art. I've got…….. books about painters.

This sofa costsmoney to travel round the world.

Please be quick! I haven't gottime.

Howforeign languages can you speak?

Students always ask questions.

How ……times did you watch this movie?

How (much money/ many money) do you earn?

How (much hours/many hours) do you work?

Can you give me (a little apples/a few apples)?

Mary had too (many baggages/ much baggage) with her.

She knows (a little/a few) words in English

TRANSLATE the sentences from Russian into English

Я не люблю горячее молоко.

Мой брат не ходил в школу вчера.

Следующим летом мы поедем на море.

Боб никогда не был в Лондоне.

Ты должен своей сестре.

Мой брат не любит читать книги.

Вчера мы с друзьями ходили в музей.

На неделе родители купили мне новый телефон.

Смотри! Собака играет с котенком!

Они уже купили подарки.

Моя мама хорошо готовит.

Мэри не умеет говорить по-английски летом мы ездили в Берлин.


What did he ……? (say, tell, said, told)

Could you ………..your name, please? (say me, tell me, tell to me)

Who ….. at the meeting? (is talking, is telling, is speaking)

“Please stop………. “, – the teacher said. (saying, telling, talking, speaking)

My father often... me about his life in the Arctic.

Максек1337 Максек1337    1   28.05.2020 11:29    73

snejanas1 snejanas1  29.05.2020 00:32
Rosie has never been to africaour classes have begun at 8:30My little sister didn’t drink her glass of milk yet. We just chose the presents for Christmas.Nelly drew a funny picture last Thursday.They have already had lunch.“We ate all the bananas!” - he said.I spent all the money yesterday. We have never swum in the ocean. I have already helped my granny.I have never spoken French.Last summer we travelled to Crimea by car.

Что с текстом делать не знаю

Who belong to the fish family?How many pairs of Galapagos penguins are there in the world?Where do penguins live?MuchmanymuchPlease be quick! I haven't gottime.  Howforeign languages can you speak?  Students always ask questions.Muchmuch moneymany hoursa few applesmany baggagesa fewI do not like hot milk.My brother did not go to school yesterday.My brother did not go to school yesterday.Bob has never been to London.You have to help your sister.My brother does not like to read books.Yesterday my friends and I went to the museum.Last week my parents bought me a new phone.Look! A dog is playing with a kitten!They have already bought gifts.My mom cooks well.Mary can't speak English.Last summer we went to Berlin.Saytell meis talkingsayingtalk

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Aysun115 Aysun115  29.05.2020 00:32

Rosie has never been to africa

our classes have begun at 8:30

My little sister didn’t drink her glass of milk yet.

We just chose the presents for Christmas.

Nelly drew a funny picture last Thursday.

They have already had lunch.

“We ate all the bananas!” - he said.

I spent all the money yesterday.

We have never swum in the ocean.

I have already helped my granny.

I have never spoken French.

Last summer we travelled to Crimea by car.


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