Past simple 1. I play with the dog yesterday/ every day 2. She carried/ carried the boxed 3. We didn't went/ didn't go to the park 4. They had a party last week/ today 5. My brother saw/watch a film yesterday 6. They drink/ drank water every day 7. We aet/ate cereal for breakfast 8. I didn't found/ find my keys. 9. I bought/boht a new bike 10. My grandma wore/ wear a nice scarf yesterday 11. The bus stopped/stoped 12. She were/ was at the party on Sunday 13. I cried/ cryed in the cinema because the film was sad 14. The weather yesterday wasn't/weren't sunny 15. I hide/hid behind the wall last time we played hide and seek​

naithon00 naithon00    1   13.05.2021 19:52    0

semabondar200 semabondar200  12.06.2021 19:59

1) every day 2) carried 3) didn't go 4) last week 5) saw 6) drink 7) ate 8) find 9) bought 10) wore 11) stopped 12) was 13) cried 14) wasn't 15) hid

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