Past Indefinite Active or Past Continuous Active? Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense form.


The train [to stop] at a small station. A passenger [to look out] of the window and [to see]

two women who [to sell] cakes. The man [to want] to buy a cake. The women [to stand] rather far from the carriage. The man [to call] a boy, who [to walk] on the platform near the carriage and [to ask] him: “How much does the cake cost?” “Three pence, sir,” – [to answer] the boy. The man [to give] him sixpence and [to say] to him: “Bring me a cake, and with the other three pence buy one for yourself.” Some minutes later the boy [to return]. He [to eat] the cake. He [to give] the man three pence change and [to say]: “There was only one cake, sir.”

Liliya35381 Liliya35381    3   25.03.2020 03:29    1

333050708 333050708  17.08.2020 20:17

The train stopped at a small station. A passenger looked of the window and saw two women who were selling cakes. The man wanted to buy a cake. The women was standing rather far from the carriage. The man called a boy, who was walking on the platform near the carriage and asked him: “How much does the cake cost?” “Three pence, sir,” – answered the boy. The man gave him six pence and said to him: “Bring me a cake, and with the other three pence buy one for yourself.” Some minutes later the boy returned. He was eating the cake. He gave the man three pence change and said: “There was only one cake, sir.”


Поезд остановился на маленькой станции. Пассажир посмотрел в окно и увидел двух женщин, которые продавали пирожные. Человек хотел купить пирожное. Женщины стояли довольно далеко от кареты. Мужчина позвал мальчика, идущего по перрону возле каталки и спросил его: «Сколько стоит пирожное?» «Три пенса, сэр», - ответил мальчик. Человек дал ему шесть пенсов и сказал ему: «Принеси мне пирожное, а за три остальных пенни купи одно для себя». Через несколько минут мальчик вернулся. Он ел пирожное. Он дал человеку три пенса и сказал: «Там было только одно пирожное, сэр».

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