Past 7. Read the questions Complete the answers Present What day wens il yesterday? I was What is it podw7 What month wall last month? I was by What ons it now? Where were you yesterday morning I was in at c) Where are you now? Were you in England last summer? I was. I wasn't. di Are you in England? I'm not. ells then a teacher in the chroom there is./ there isn't. Was there a teacher in the classroom five minutes ago? there was there wasn't An there any students in the classroom? there aren't. Were there any students in the classroom five minutes ago? there were./ there weren't Could you speak English when you Can you speak English? I can./ I can't. were five? I could. I couldn't Can your teacher dance Yes, can. No, Could your teacher dance when he can't she was eleven? Yes. could./No. couldn't

Crazy2daisy Crazy2daisy    2   08.12.2021 14:11    2

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