Passive voice
the present simple passive
переделайте в страдательный залог:

1. somebody built this house.

siemens employs 2000 people in cyprus.

people play football all over the world.

a japanese firm makes these television sets.

our company sells more than a thousand cars every month.

the teacher explains new topics.

two million people use the london underground system every day.

they don’t teach chinese in our school.

they didn’t offer us anything to drink.

someone turned the lights off.

this country doesn’t produce halloumi.

they didn’t give me the results of my test.

sandra didn’t write the invitations.

i sent her present to london by train.

my mother doesn’t usually wash the dishes in the afternoon.

Артем14698752269 Артем14698752269    2   19.01.2020 10:37    6

FriskDreemurr1 FriskDreemurr1  23.08.2020 12:43
1. This house was built by somebody
2. 2000 people are employed in Cyprus by Siemens
3. Football is played all over the world by people
4. These television sets are made by Japanese firm
5. More than a thousand cars are sold every month by our company
6. New topic is explained by the teacher
7. The London Underground system is used every day by two million people
8. Chinese is not taught in our school by them
9. Anything to drink was not offered us by them
10. The lights were turned off by someone
11. Halloumi is not produced by this country
12. The result of my test was not given me by them
13. The invitation was not written by Sandra
14. Her present was sent to London by train by me
15. The dishes are not usually washed in the afternoon by my mother
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