Passive voice is a typical feature for a technical text. Paraphrase the
sentences using the passive voice.


The oil industry leaders outlined their support for the accord and highlighted
the country’s extensive energy trade With Canada and Mexico.

The supparffar the accord was outlined, and the caumry’s extensive energy
trade wiIh Canada and Alexico was highlighted,

1. The industry continues to develop the use of artificial intelligence and other
digital technologies to increase efficiencies and make more infonned
exploration decisions.

2. BP discovered a revolutionary technique in seismic imaging that helps the
company more accurately find natural gas and oil underground.

3. BP can more efficiently find natural gas and oil, reducing environmental
impact of exploration and potentially slashing energy costs for consumers.

4. ExxonMobil has spent approximately $8 billion researching biofuels, carbon
capture and storage, energy—effieieney processes, natural gas technologies.

5. GlobalData expects that 130 new crude and natural gas projects Will start
operations in Asia over the next eight years.

6. Global Wire Rope Industry report also includes Wire Rope Upstream raw
materials and Wire Rope downstream consumers analysis.

7. Another trend Mr van Veluw highlighted is how much power a crane uses,
and the growing use of electric cranes.

8. Electrically—driven cranes are environmentally fliendly because they don’t
require the use of potentially polluting hydraulics.

9. Mr Ryan first asked the government in December to halt the rollout because
of safety fears.

почемучка105 почемучка105    3   27.04.2020 11:38    6

opvictor01p08056 opvictor01p08056  27.04.2020 12:30


Passive voice is a typical feature for a technical text. Paraphrase the

sentences using the passive voice.


The oil industry leaders outlined their support for the accord and highlighted

the country’s extensive energy trade With Canada and Mexico.

The supparffar the accord was outlined, and the caumry’s extensive energy

trade wiIh Canada and Alexico was highlighted,

1. The industry continues to develop the use of artificial intelligence and other

digital technologies to increase efficiencies and make more infonned

exploration decisions.

2. BP discovered a revolutionary technique in seismic imaging that helps the

company more accurately find natural gas and oil underground.

3. BP can more efficiently find natural gas and oil, reducing environmental

impact of exploration and potentially slashing energy costs for consumers.

4. ExxonMobil has spent approximately $8 billion researching biofuels, carbon

capture and storage, energy—effieieney processes, natural gas technologies.

5. GlobalData expects that 130 new crude and natural gas projects Will start

operations in Asia over the next eight years.

6. Global Wire Rope Industry report also includes Wire Rope Upstream raw

materials and Wire Rope downstream consumers analysis.

7. Another trend Mr van Veluw highlighted is how much power a crane uses,

and the growing use of electric cranes.

8. Electrically—driven cranes are environmentally fliendly because they don’t

require the use of potentially polluting hydraulics.

9. Mr Ryan first asked the government in December to

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