Passive Voice Change the sentences from the Active inthe Passive or from the Passive into the Active.

1 The technician has installed a new sound system in the studio.

2 The Discovery Channel is going to broadcast a new documentary on wildlife.

3 This new film was recommended by all critics.

4 Were the actors given their roles by the director last night?

5 The company may develop a new gadget next year.

6 The famous star doesn't enjoy fans and photographers following him.

7 The director is admired by a great number of actors.

8 The singer wasn't recording a new album last year.

9 The company wanted the new device to be manufactured.

10 The release of the soundtrack had been announced before

9 o'clock

regina290402 regina290402    1   29.12.2020 09:22    114

Uliana1pa Uliana1pa  29.12.2020 09:30

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morozmoroz12 morozmoroz12  16.01.2024 15:19
1 A new sound system has been installed in the studio by the technician.

Explanation: In the original sentence, the technician is the subject who performs the action (installing the sound system). In the passive voice, the subject becomes the sound system and the technician becomes the object. "Has been installed" is the passive form of the verb "install", which indicates that the action has been done to the sound system.

2 A new documentary on wildlife is going to be broadcasted by the Discovery Channel.

Explanation: The original sentence is already in the passive voice, so we just need to change "broadcast" to its passive form "be broadcasted". The subject remains the same (the Discovery Channel) and the object becomes the documentary.

3 All critics recommended this new film.

Explanation: In the original sentence, "this new film" is the subject and "recommended" is the verb. To change it to the passive voice, we need to make "this new film" the object and "recommended" becomes "was recommended". The doer of the action ("all critics") is not mentioned in the passive voice.

4 Did the director give the roles to the actors last night?

Explanation: In the original sentence, the director is the subject who performed the action of giving roles. To change it to the passive voice, we need to make the roles the subject and the director becomes the object. "Were the roles given" is the passive form of the verb "give".

5 A new gadget may be developed by the company next year.

Explanation: The original sentence is already in the active voice, so we need to change "develop" to its passive form "be developed". The subject remains the same (the company) and the object becomes the gadget.

6 Fans and photographers don't enjoy following the famous star.

Explanation: The original sentence is in the active voice, but we need to change it to the passive voice. However, the verb "don't enjoy" implies a negative opinion, and it doesn't make sense to use the passive voice in this context. So, this sentence cannot be changed to the passive voice.

7 A great number of actors admire the director.

Explanation: The original sentence is already in the active voice, so we just need to change "admire" to its passive form "is admired". The subject remains the same (a great number of actors) and the object becomes the director.

8 The company was recording a new album last year.

Explanation: The original sentence is in the active voice, but we need to change it to the passive voice. However, the verb "wasn't recording" is already in the negative form. To maintain the same meaning, we would need to change the entire sentence structure, which would make the passive voice awkward and less clear. So, this sentence cannot be changed to the passive voice.

9 The company wanted to have the new device manufactured.

Explanation: In the original sentence, "the company" is the subject and "wanted" is the verb. To change it to the passive voice, we need to make "the new device" the object and "manufactured" becomes "to be manufactured". The doer of the action ("the company") is not mentioned in the passive voice.

10 They had announced the release of the soundtrack before 9 o'clock.

Explanation: The original sentence is in the active voice, but we need to change it to the passive voice. However, the verb "had been announced" is already in the past perfect tense, expressing an action that happened before another past action. To maintain the same meaning, changing it to the passive voice would make the sentence confusing. So, this sentence cannot be changed to the passive voice.
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