Passive Voice 1 A huge Christmas Treee …. In London. a) is decorated c) decorated b) was decorated d) decorates 2 It … for its night club. a) are known c) were known b) know d) is known 3 I … in History. a) is interested c) am interested b) were interested d) interest 4 Lud Hill is the place where the city … a) originated c) is originated b) were originated d) originates 5 Kings …. in Westminster Palace. a) was crowned c) were crowned b) crowns d) crowned 6 Romans … a fort in Cardiff. a) built c) build b) is built d) built

Пупс2014 Пупс2014    3   30.05.2023 07:24    0

1amon1 1amon1  30.05.2023 07:25

1.a) is decorated

2.d) is known

3.c) am interested

4. c) is originated

5.c) were crowned

6.d)were  built

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