Passive - present and past tense 1 he (offer) a new job last week. 2 the bridge (blow off) yesterday. 3 this novel (write) by hemingway. 4 flies (catch) by spiders. 5 all the trees (cut) down yesterday. 6 we (tell) to go home now. 7 their purse (steal) yesterday night in the disco. 8 rain (hold) up by fog. 9 he (throw) out of the bar a week ago. 10 pigs (use) to find truffels. 11 the old theatre (reopen) last friday. 12 she (ask) about the accident by the police yesterday. 13 rotten eggs (throw) at him last month in bristol. 14 mice (catch) by cats. 15 i (often / ask) for her address.

sanik98 sanik98    2   10.07.2019 18:10    50

ShudrenkoArtem ShudrenkoArtem  03.10.2020 00:25
1 He was offered  (offer) a new job last week.

2 The bridge was blown off  (blow off) yesterday.

3 This novel  was written (write) by Hemingway.

4 Flies  are caught (catch) by spiders.

5 All the trees were cut  (cut) down yesterday.

6 We are being told  (tell) to go home now.

7 Their purse was stolen  (steal) yesterday night in the disco.

8 Rain is held up (hold) up by fog.

9 He was  thrown out  (throw) out of the bar a week ago.

10 Pigs  are used (use) to find truffels.

11 The old theatre was reopened  (reopen) last Friday.

12 She  was asked (ask) about the accident by the police yesterday.

13 Rotten eggs  were thrown (throw) at him last month in Bristol.

14 Mice were caught  (catch) by cats.

15 I am often asked  (often / ask) for her address.
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