Part I (pp. 165-186) I. Read the first part of the story and find the following words and phrases, write them out, give the Russian equivalents, recall the situations in which they are used:
his conscience was not at ease (p. 166); a sense of disillusion (p. 166); to be destined (p. 167); a replica of a palace on the Grand Canal at Venice (p. 169); he could not repress the exclamation of delight (p. 170); to introduce smb to society (p. 171); he resigned himself to the role of confidant (p. 171); to shoot oneself (p. 172); to be all smiles (p. 173); to be arrested on a charge of fraud (p. 175); to be homesick (p. 175); to hear in a round-about way (p. 178); to be fired (p. 178); to take somebody by surprise (p. 182); in one's shirt sleeves (p. 184); to keep body and soul together (p. 185); to make oneself at home (p. 185).

II. Collect all the information and get ready to speak about:Bateman Hunter, Isabel Longstaffe, Edward Barnard.

III. Make up and write down 10 why-questions about the part of the story you have read.

IV. Answer these questions:
1. What did Bateman Hunter feel returning home to Chicago?

2. What did Bateman think of Chicago?

3. Where did Bateman and Edward meet Isabel?

4. Who fell in love with the girl? Who did Isabel prefer?

5. Why did Bateman resign himself to the role of confidant?

6. What happened to Edward's father?

7. What were Edward's plans?

8. How did Isebel behave under the circumstances?

9. Why did Isabel's father want to have a word with Edward?

10.Why didn't the Longstaffes ever speak of Arnold Jackson?

11.What letters did Edward write to Isabel?

12.What did Bateman hear about Edward in a round-about way?

13.What was the journey made by Bateman? Why did he start for Honolulu, Sidney and Wellington?

14.What did Bateman learn about Edward?

15.What was Edward's behaviour when he met Bateman?

V. Explain the meaning of the following expressions in English:
to cast bread upon the waters (p. 166), to give smb a wide birth (p. 174), a black sheep (p. 175), all and sundry (p. 182), to see eye to eye (p. 184).

molodoy3 molodoy3    2   05.02.2021 21:43    2

Shimkent Shimkent  05.02.2021 22:00
׺°”˜`”°º× ⦕ꭿꝇꬲꭗ3⦖Too many tasks to do ⦕ꭿꝇꬲꭗ3⦖╚»★«╝
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