Part 1. Find the words for the definitions in the text. 1.A sudden outbreak of a volcano - [1] 2. Someone who has suffered as a result of a disaster [1] 3.Long and high sea waves chased by an earthquake or other disaster - [1] 4.A line dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres - [1] 5. A large volcanic crater - . Part 2. Find some inconsistences in the statements. Mark these sentences Yes/ No. 6.The sound of Krakatau explosion was heard for thousands of kilometers. [1] 7.The aftereffects of Krakatau eruption were felt only in the Indian Ocean area. [1] 8.The eruption of Krakatau killed people on the island where the volcano was. [1] 9.Now Krakatau is an extinct volcano. [1] Total

Поглит Поглит    1   15.03.2021 11:43    27

sjsjsjs1 sjsjsjs1  15.01.2024 11:48
Part 1:

1. A sudden outbreak of a volcano - The word that matches this definition is "eruption".
2. Someone who has suffered as a result of a disaster - The word that matches this definition is "victim".
3. Long and high sea waves chased by an earthquake or other disaster - The word that matches this definition is "tsunami".
4. A line dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres - The word that matches this definition is "equator".
5. A large volcanic crater - The word that matches this definition is "caldera".

Part 2:

6. The sound of Krakatau explosion was heard for thousands of kilometers - Yes/No: Yes. This statement is true. The explosion of Krakatau was so powerful that it was heard up to 3,000 miles away.

7. The aftereffects of Krakatau eruption were felt only in the Indian Ocean area - Yes/No: No. This statement is false. The aftereffects of the Krakatau eruption were felt globally, with significant volcanic ash causing a decrease in global temperatures.

8. The eruption of Krakatau killed people on the island where the volcano was - Yes/No: Yes. This statement is true. The eruption of Krakatau resulted in the deaths of thousands of people on the neighboring islands of Java and Sumatra.

9. Now Krakatau is an extinct volcano - Yes/No: No. This statement is false. Krakatau is still an active volcano and has had small eruptions in recent years.

Total: 8
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