Paraphrase these word combinations using structures with the possessive case. 1) the rays of the sun 2) the crew of the plane 3) the deserts of australia 4) the child of my brother-in-law 5) the distance of a kilometer 6) silence lasting a moment 7) the cottage belonging to william and emma 8) two cottages, one of which belongs to william, the other to emma 9) the car of my son-in-law 10) meetings taking place every wednesday

sansanetflower sansanetflower    2   17.07.2019 02:20    10

Mom34 Mom34  31.07.2020 14:47
1The sun's rays 2. the plane's crew 3. Australia's deserts 4. my  brother- in -law's child 5. a kilometer's distance 6. a moment's silence 7 William's and Emma's cottage 8. two cottages, one William's, the other  Emma's 9. my son -in-law's car 10. every Wednesday's meetings.
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