№п/п содержание вопроса варианты ответа

1 we have a vacancy manager in a design agency.

a) for

b) of

c) to

2 everyone knows that kennedy an insane person.

a) had been killed

b) is killed

c) was killed

d) has killed

3 i just don’t understand how while we are working.

a) can you sit

b) you can sit

c) could you sit

d) you can sitting

4 what do you do living?

a) to

b) for

c) of

5 she said that her cat the fire.

a) had been lost

b)is lost

c) was lost

d) loose

6 they promised that they nine o’clock.

a) will come

b) came

c) would come

d) come

7 i didn’t know

a) the children had gone

b)the children went c)had the children gone

c) did the

children go

8 tomorrow i’ll go interview with my prospective employer.

a) to

b) for

c) in

9 she answered that jennie car at the moment. a) is cleaning

b) was cleaning


d)had cleaned

10 переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

sally said “i would like to buy it”.

a) sally said that she would like to buy it.

b) sally said that she would have liked to buy it.

c) sally said that she liked to buy it.

11 переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

he said “where is jill going? ”.

a) he asked where jill was going.

b) he asked where jill went.

c) he asked where was jill going

12 the student didn’t know where he odd-job.

a) will be given

b) would give

c) would be given

c) will give

13 переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

robby asked: “bobby, do you know the irish pub? ”

a) robby asked bobby did he know the irish pub.

b) robby asked bobby if he knew the irish pub.

c) robby asked bobby where was the irish pub.

14 helen said that she open a cosmetic shop in london.

a) wants

b) is wanting

c) wanted

d) was wanting

15 mr. smith asked us … making that terrible noise.

a) to stop


c)not do

d) that we stop

16 закончите предложения:

1. ifiwereyou,

2. if people did not drop litter on streets,

3. if i didn’t have a car,

4. i wish

5. if it were not so late now,

6. if i’m there and see him,

7. if you had packed your things


8. i would have sent you a postcard

while i was on holiday a) i would cycle to work.

b) i would go to see him.

c) you would have got to the station in time.

d) i’ll tell him about it.

e) if i had had your address.

f) i had drinking water.

g) our town would be much cleaner.

h) i would stop smoking.

17 my father has worked at the plant

a) since

b) from

c) in

18 caroline wanted to know angry with her.

a) was the chief

b) that the chief was

c) if the chief was

d) about the chief was

19 найдите определения к следующим терминам:

1. feature

2. hire

3. try

4. expert

5. vacancy a) experienced through training and practice

b) use a person’s work

c) position not filled by an employee

d) something typical or noticeable in a person

e) risk doing something in order to obtain experience

20 the secretary said that she … a reservation for me at the hotel.

a) has made

b) made

c) had made

21 many people would be out of work if that

factory …down. a) closes

b) closed

c) close

22 вставьтесловапосмыслу.

1. our chief on saturdays since he is 60.

2. although 20 years have passed i still former schoolmates.

3. sales department is and sales.

4. he is a true programming. a) expert

b) miss

c) responsible for

d) gave up

23 world wide fund was … to raise money to save nature. a) founded

b) treated

c) proved

24 переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

“if i had any instruction, i would know what to do”, said ann.

a) ann said that if she had had any instructions, she would have known what to do.

b) ann said if she had any instructions, she knew what to do.

c) ann said that if she had any instructions she would know what to do.

25 переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

the manager asked: “where is your report? ”

a) the manager asked me where is my report.

b) the manager asked where was my report.

c) the manager asked me where my report was.

Sanya055 Sanya055    1   13.11.2019 22:50    7

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