ответьте правильно на тесты: № 1. hair cut? а. has got б. had got в. do get г. did get № 2. write in german, but to speak the language fluently. to listen to many tapes to understand native speakers when he to work in germany. а. is able, isn't able, '11 have, to be able, has б. can, isn't able, '11 have, to be able, '11 have в. can, isn't able, '11 have, to be able, has г. can, can't, '11 have, to be able, has № 3. i come in? — no, because the bell has already rung. but join us after the break. а. may, mustn't, dare б. may, must, have to в. shall, mustn't, can г. may, mustn't, may № 4. the plane to to take off in 15 minutes. you do me a favour? i pass through the customs without checking my suitcase? i'm sorry all their suitcases. а. is, could, may, may not, must б. is, could, shall, may not, must в. will, can, mау, may not, must г. is, could, may, may, must № 5. – i help you? – please, do. i shut the door. the lock be out of order. yesterday lock the door either and to ask for help а. can, am not able, should, couldn't, had б. can, can't, must, couldn't, had в. can, must, must, couldn't, had г. can, can't, should, could, had № 6. yesterday do my homework late at night because previously to go to the library to look through some necessary material. only then proceed to home assignments. to do all of them, since i was tired. but the next day do everything early in the morning. а. must, needed, could, wasn't able, could б. had, needed, could, wasn't able, could в. had, needed, couldn't, was able, could г. had, need, could, wasn't able, could № 7. – i wonder if my to stay after classes tomorrow in case he gets a bad mark? – i'm sure to do this because classes. а. will have, must, needs б. will have, has, dares в. has, has, needs г. will have, has, needs № 8. when we went to the forest, burning. а. must б. can в. could г. might № 9. she was speaking in a very low voice, but what she said. а. might б. can в. must г. could № 10. i do not know when they will be here. any time. а. must б. could в. can г. might

морпехРФ морпехРФ    3   03.09.2019 10:40    18

Limon4iK1000 Limon4iK1000  06.10.2020 14:32
1.  Whenhehis hair cut?
г. did get

№ 2.  He write in German, but he to speak the language fluently. He to listen to many tapes to understand native speakers when he to work in Germany.
в. can, isn't able, '11 have, to be able, has

№ 3.   I come in? — No, you because the bell has already rung. But you join us after the break
г. may, mustn't, may

№ 4.  The plane to Boston to take off in 15 minutes. you do me a favour? I pass through the Customs without checking my suitcase? I'm sorry you. All passengersopen their suitcases.
а. is, could, may, may not, must

№ 5.  – I help you? – Please, do. I shut the door. The lock be out of order. Yesterday I lock the door either and I to ask for help
б. can, can't, must, couldn't, had

№ 6.  Yesterday Ito do my homework late at night because previously I to go to the library to look through some necessary material. Only then I proceed to home assignments. I to do all of them, since I was tired. But the next day I do everything early in the morning.
б. had, needed, could, wasn't able, could

№ 7.  – I wonder if my son to stay after classes tomorrow in case he gets a bad mark? – I'm sure he to do this because heextra classes.
г. will have, has, needs

№ 8.  When we went to the forest, wesmell burning
в. could

№ 9.  She was speaking in a very low voice, but Iunderstand what she said.
г. could

№ 10.  I do not know when they will be here. Theyarrive any time.
в. can
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