ответьте письменно на все во

Даниад Даниад    2   27.03.2020 17:55    0

Sasga59832 Sasga59832  12.10.2020 07:19



Утром я встаю в 7 часов

I don't get up at 7 o'clock in the morning

When I get up in the morning?


Ты заправляешь свою постель

You don't make your bed

Do you make your bed?


Моя мать работает в колледже

My mum doesn't work at college

Does my mum work at college?


Ты проветриваешь комнату.

You don't air the room

Do you air the room?


Внимание! В этом предложении была совершена опечатка или ошибка!


(Wash plants не говорят. Говорят water plants. Ну может я чего-то не знаю, поэтому напишу wash the plants.)

Я поливаю растения.

I don't was the plants

Do I wash the plants?


Я выношу мусор

I don't empty the dustbin

Do I empty the dustbin?


Моя мама попросила меня почистить картошку

My mother didn't ask me to peel potatoes

Did my mother ask me to peel potatoes?


У меня есть работа по дому

I haven't got household chores

Have I got household chores?


Мы убираемся (совершаем уборку) каждую Субботу

We don't cleaning up every Saturday

Do we do cleaning up every Saturday?


1. Everyday you do room, wash up, dust furniture, go to the baker's, buy some bread, biscuits and cakes.

2. In shop you can buy some brown and white bread, biscuits and cakes.

3. When your mum's ill you do cooking, washing up, buying of food and planning of meals.

4. Your brother helps to fix and repairs some things.

5. You swept the floors and washing them, fed the chickens, collected eggs and weeded the vegetables.

6. Chickens

7. Yes, I do

8. Yes, I do

9. In the shop I buy food.

10. Yes, I do

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