ответьте на вопросы to be в настоящем или времени отвечайте с умом, кто действительно разбирается.
Ex. 5 Answer the questions
When is your birthday?
Where were you born?
When were you born?
What day is it today?
What day was it yesterday?
How old are you now?
How old were your parents in 2005?
How much is a liter of petrol now?
How much was a liter of petrol 5 years ago?
10 Where were you on holiday?
11 When were you ill last time?
12 Are your children at school?
13 When were you at the cinema last time?
14 What is your job?
15 What was your job 3 years ago?
16 Were you abroad last year?
17 Who were you at the cinema with last time?
18 Were you good at history at school?
19 Were you late for work last week?
20 Are your parents pensioners?
21 Was your husband/wife unemployed [ʌnɪm`plɔɪd]?
22 Were you at home last weekend?
23 Was your friend in Spain two years ago?
24 When were you at the party last time?
25 Was your homework difficult last week?
26 Was the weather nice yesterday?
27 Is it nice today?
28 What color is your car?
29 What color was your previous car?
When were you at the disco last time?

vikapinigina vikapinigina    1   09.12.2020 11:00    1

45454521 45454521  08.01.2021 11:00

1. My birthday is in April, 11^th.

2. I was born in Ucraine.

3. I was born in April.

4. Today is December, 11^th(Tuesday).

5. Yesterday was Monday(December,10^th).

6. I'm 17.

7. My parents were 25 in 2005.

8. A litre of petrol is 50 rubles.

9. A litre of petrol was about 10 rubles 5 years ago.

10. I was at home on holiday.

11. I was ill in the September last time.

12. My children aren't at school.

13. I was at the cinema 2 years ago.

14. My job is chemist.

15. I was chemist 3 years ago.

16. My abroad wasn't last year.

17. I was at the cinema with my mom.

18. I am good at history at school.

19. I wasn't late for work last week.

20. My parents aren't pensioners.

21.  My husband wasn't unemployed.

22. I was at home last week.

23. My friend wasn't in Spain two years ago.

24. I was in 2017 in the party last time.

25. My homework was difficult last week.

26. The weather wasn't nice yesterday.

27. Today isn't nice.

28. My car is black.

29. My previous car was white.

30. I was in 2007 at the disco last time.


Вот и, как видишь, ничего сложного :)))


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