ответьте на вопросы рассказ называется wedding in the forest 1 who was brought to robin hoot one morning ? 2 what did alan-a-dale tell robin hoot about his life ? 3 what musical instrument could alan-a-dale play ? 4 what could alan-a-dale give robin hoot for his help ? 5 where was ellen's wedding to take place ?

joker231341 joker231341    1   09.09.2019 18:10    3

Alina18181 Alina18181  07.10.2020 03:43
1) A young man in smart clothes with a harp was brought to Robin Hood one moming.
2) He said that his true love marries some rich old knight.
3) He could play a harp.
4) He could give nothing.
5) It was to take place in the church about five miles away.
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