ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на употребление оборота
there is (there are). заранее

Angilass Angilass    3   18.10.2019 19:09    0

4okoladka100 4okoladka100  10.10.2020 07:52

there is nothing on the table

there are 3 books on the table

there are 3 historical books on...

there is a blackboard in my class

there is only one teacher's table in my class

there are many chairs in the room

there are about 30 chairs in this room

there is a big window in my class

there were only 3 mistakes in my last dictation

there were few children in the theatre yesterday

there wasn't an institute in my home town...

there are 3 institutes in my home town

there are many theatres in Moscow

There are about 20 cinemas in the centre of Moscow

there are (количество стр. книги) pages in this book

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