ответьте на вопросы: 1. Who is the text written for?

2. What does the writer of the text want?

3. The school uses two ways to help pupils behave well. What are they?

ответьте на вопросы: 1. Who is the text written for?2. What does the writer of the text want?3. The

kosmagalaxy kosmagalaxy    1   14.12.2020 19:01    0

Nastenka0003 Nastenka0003  13.01.2021 19:02


1. This text is written for parents who want to send their children to Estover School.

2. The writer of the text wanted to say that discipline and rules must be observed in this school, for example, you cannot skip lessons, bullying teacher and students is unacceptable, bad behaviour affects the learning of other students, ect.

3. Teachers reward their students for good behaviour. With parental permission, teachers can punish students for bad behaviour.

на счет 3 не уверена, правильно ли ответила или нет, но 1 и 2 точно)

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