ответьте на вопросы: 1. what would you do if you saw a ghost? 2. why do you think some people see or think they see ghosts and other don't? 3. can you think of any other things in life that we cannot explain?

Никочка6577890 Никочка6577890    2   25.06.2019 22:40    1

Вишня007 Вишня007  20.07.2020 22:19
1)I would have curled into a ball on the bed and quietly looked at him. Very interesting, but at the same time a little scared what it will do? 
 Я бы сжался в комочек на постели, и тихонько поглядывал на него. Очень интересно, но в то же время немного страшно, что же оно будет делать?
2)I'm one of those people who believes in different ghosts and all of the other stuff. Such people seem different shade, rumors, threats on the walls, some signs that the Ghost wants to kill you.

3)well, for example - different spells that can summon zombies, or bill Cipher from the animated film "Gravity Falls".
ну, например- разные заклинания, которые могут вызвать зомби, или Билла Шифра из мультфильма "Гравити Фолз". 
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