ответьте на вопросы : 1)what` s your father`s job? 2)what` s your mother`s job? 3)where do your parents live? 4)how do you come to school? 5)what other ways can you travel to school if you want to? 6)which day(s) do you usually do your english homework? 7) when do you usually watch tv? 8) which things do you usually carry in your bag? 9) what is your favourite day of the week? why? 10) what do you usually do in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening?

evamakarova20 evamakarova20    1   15.09.2019 19:10    0

Subject338 Subject338  07.10.2020 18:03
1) my father is a doctor.
2. My mother is a teacher
3. My parents live with me.
4. I come to school by bus
5. I can go to school by underground, by car
6. I usually do my English homework on Monday and Wednesdays
7. I usually watch tv on weekends
8. I usually carry in my bag books, pens, pencils and some food
9. My favourite day of weeks is Sunday, because I can relax this day
10. In the morning I usually sleep, in the afternoon I like to play computer games and read books, and in the evening I usually watch tv
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