ответьте на тесты.в тестах только один ответ,только правильно! 1)i am a good doctor, a)aren't b)am not i c)don't i d)didn't i 2)jim bought a new car yesterday, a)doesn't he b)didn't he c)don't he d)won't he 3)ann couldn't find her book, a)couldn't she b)couldn't her c)could she d)can she 4)mike is the pupil in the class. a)good b)better c)best d)bad 5)jane likes to eat ice cream, a)doesn't she b)don't she c)didn't she d)does she 6) i go to the swimming pool monday a)in b)at c)- d)on 7)he was in moscow last year. a)n b)at c)- d)on 8)jim was born 2005. a)at b)on c)in d)- 9)she doesn't watch tv night. a)in b)on c)at d)- 10) his birthday is the 30_th__ of july. a)on b)in c)at d)into 11) it usually in autumn. a)rained b)is raining c)rains d)raining 12)we to the theatre now. a)going are b)goed c)went d)are going 13)yesterday mother a new dress for me. a)buyed b)is buying c)bought d)will buy 14) i to the cinema tomorrow? a)go, will b)am, going c)shall,go d)did,go 15)there aren't apples on the table. a)much b)many c)a lof of d)little

малика232 малика232    1   22.06.2019 10:40    1

shasherina13ozz1hj shasherina13ozz1hj  17.07.2020 16:52
B b c c a d c c c a c d c c b Всё просто!
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