ответьте на следующие вопросы утвердительно или отрицательно: 1) are there any boys in your math class? 2) is anoyone ready for the test? 3) are any of you russians? 4) are there any good book stores in your town? 5) is anething better than chocolate ice cream?

MEGRAD MEGRAD    1   19.06.2019 03:50    22

ke7rin ke7rin  15.07.2020 14:27
1) Yes, there are. There are some boys in my math class.   
No, there aren't any boys in my math class.
2) Yes, everybody is ready for the test.   
No, nobody is ready for the test.
3) Yes, some of us are Russian.     
No, none of us is Russian.
4) Yes, there are. There are some good book stores in our town.   
No, there aren't any good book stores there.
5) Yes, of course there is. There is something better.   
No, there isn't. There isn't anything better. There is nothing better.
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