ответьте : 5 choose the correct words. 1 daniela is playing / plays tennis now. 2 polly is eating / eats some chocolate now. 3 rita and karl sometimes have / are having pizza for lunch. 4 tony and pat are doing / do their homework now. 5 adam usually is watching / watches tv in the evening. 6 jeff is outside. he is playing / plays football

PolinaRa1610200710 PolinaRa1610200710    1   16.07.2019 04:50    4

AnyMay00853 AnyMay00853  21.09.2020 08:26
1 Daniela is playing tennis now.
2 Polly is eating some chocolate now.
3 Rita and Karl sometimes have pizza for lunch.
4 Tony and Pat are doing their homework
5 Adam usually watches TV in
the evening.
6 Jeff is outside. He is playing football
HanZamay HanZamay  21.09.2020 08:26
1. Playing 2. Eating 3. Have 4. Doing 5. Watchs
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