ответить на вопросы по тексту)) what does yura dohis free time? does yura play tennis well? does yura like hamburgers and chips? what does you do to keep feet? текст hi! my name is yura .ilive in moscow and lam a year five pupil.lhave some very time we like to play football near the school. at weekends my father , my sister and .at weekends my father,my sister and l play badminton and tennis.we all like these games and they help us to keep fit. i'd like to learn to play tennis well.i'm a good swimmer and in winter l sometimes play ice hockey .in my family we try to eat healthy good too.vegetables and fruit and don't eat things like hamburgers or chips . and what about you? what do you do to keep fit?

rje87391 rje87391    1   15.08.2019 03:20    3

levutenof levutenof  04.10.2020 20:13
1) Yes, she does. She plaes it with her family.
2)No, she doesn'. Her family they try too it healfy food.
3)I go swimming every weekend and it only healfy food.
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