ответить на вопросы на ,) 1)what time do you get up? 2)do you get up so early on sundays? 3)do you do your morning exercises every day? 4)where do you have your breakfast? 5)what time do you leave come? 6)what time do you come to your office? 7)how long does it take you to get up there? 8)how many hours do you stay at the office? 9)what time does your work begin? 10)are you sometimes late to work? 11)do you always come in time? 12)did you come to your office on time yesterday? 13)when is your lunch hour? 14)what time is your working day over? 15)where do you usually go after work? 16)where did you go after work yesterday? 17)what is you day-off? 18)how many days a week do you work? 19)where do you usually spend the week-end? 20)how did you spend your last week-end?

LuckProJeckt LuckProJeckt    1   08.06.2019 04:00    3

waterrrfall waterrrfall  07.07.2020 14:11
1) I get up at ___ o'clock. (во сколько встаешь)
2) No, I don't.
3) No, I don't. или Yes, I do (зарядку делаешь каждый день?)
4) I have breakfast at home?
5) I leave home at ___ o'clock. (когда выходишь из дома?)
6) I come to my office at ___ o'clock? (когда приходишь в офис?)
7) It takes me ___ minutes to get up there? (сколько времени добираешься до работы?) 
8) I stay at the office from 9 am to 5 pm?
9) My work begins at 9 am.
10) I am never late to work.
11) Yes, I do.
12) Yes, I did .
13) My lunch hour is from 1 pm to 2 pm.
14) My working day is over at 5 pm.
15) After work I usually go home.
16) Yesterday I went home after work.
17) Sunday is my day-off.
18) I work 6 days a week.
19) I usually spend the week-end in the country.
20) Last week-end my friends and I had a picnic.
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