ответить на вопросы к тексту DEVELOPMENT OF PLC DEVELOPMENT OF PLC
1. Early PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) were designed to replace relay logic systems. These PLCs were programmed in "ladder logic", which strongly resembles a schematic diagram of relay logic. This program notation was chosen to reduce training demands for the existing technicians. Other early PLCs used a form of instruction list programming, based on a stack-based logic solver.
2. Modern PLCs can be programmed in a variety of ways, from the relay-derived ladder logic to programming languages such as specially adapted dialects of BASIC and C. Another method is State Logic, a very high-level programming language designed to program PLCs based on state transition diagrams.
3. Many early PLCs did not have accompanying programming terminals that were capable of graphical representation of the logic, and so the logic was instead represented as a series of logic expressions in some version of Boolean format, similar to Boolean algebra. As programming terminals evolved, it became more common for ladder logic to be used, for the aforementioned reasons and because it was a familiar format used for electromechanical control panels. Newer formats such as State Logic and Function Block (which is similar to the way logic is depicted when using digital integrated logic circuits) exist, but they are still not as popular as ladder logic. A primary reason for this is that PLCs solve the logic in a predictable and repeating sequence, and ladder logic allows the programmer (the person writing the logic) to see any issues with the timing of the logic sequence more easily than would be possible in other formats.

8. Прочитайте текст снова и письменно ответьте на вопросы:
1. Why were Early PLCs designed?

2. This program notation was chosen to reduce training demands for the existing technicians, wasn’t it?
3. How can modern PLCs be programmed?
4. What did not many early PLCs have?
5. Why are newer formats still not as popular ladder logic?

ele133pan11tov ele133pan11tov    2   16.01.2021 20:28    0

njjjjjjtgl njjjjjjtgl  16.01.2021 20:30

чего это все сделать?я не могу

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