ответить на вопросы do you trust your friend? why? has he got a nickname? why? what is he good-bad at? what can he do? does he share ideas (dreams) with you? use 2-3 adjectives to describe his character

EgorKuleshov EgorKuleshov    2   13.06.2019 10:00    2

alisiababenkov alisiababenkov  10.07.2020 13:27

1.Yes, I trust my friend. He keeps all my secrets.

2. Yes, my friend have nickname. This is ... (здесь напиши прозвище своего друга), because it's really fun.

1. My friend good at ...(напиши в чем хорош твой друг, например, singing) and he bad at (напиши в чем он плох, например, cooking).

3. Yes, he shares ideas with me, because we're good friends.

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