ОТВЕТИТЬ НА ВОПРОСЫ 1. The ground was covered …fallen leaves.

a. of b. with c. by
2. The stories we heard about our neighbours… to be true.

a. turned out b. made up c. went off
3. The giant panda is a(n) species that needs our protection.

a. fatal b. harmed c. endangered
4. If I had known you were coming I… something for dinner.

a. would have cooked b. would cook c. had cooked
5. Judy needs to replace the lens in her camera, because it’s …

a. charged b. scratched c. jammed
6. They heard someone screaming in the next room and … in to see what was wrong.

a. rushed b. invaded c. stalked
7. It’s no use crying over … milk; there’s nothing we can do now.

a. water b. tea c. milk
8. Our hotel room had an amazing…of the snowy mountains.

a. scenery b. view c. setting
9. The law clearly states that all car drivers and passengers… wear a seat belt.

a. may b. can c. must
10. George’s classmates often pick… him because he is quite short.

a. on b. at c. to
11. …Alex will like his present?

a. do you think b. are you thinking c. can you think
12. Tom Barney… father is a famous writer is in the same class as me.

a. which b. who c. whose

kristinasurinaKighkj kristinasurinaKighkj    2   15.03.2021 08:46    16

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