ответить на вопросы: 1.do the signals of the bus go beep,beep? 2. does the engine of the bus go up and down? 3. do the wheels of the bus go zoom,zoom? 4. does the horn of the bus go beep,beep? 5. do the doors on the bus go open and shut?

invisiblefibers invisiblefibers    2   26.06.2019 13:00    1

АнастасияCat144 АнастасияCat144  02.10.2020 12:14
1. Do the signals of the bus go beep, beep? Yes, they do. 2. Does the engine of the bus go up and down? No, it doesn't. 3. Do the wheels of the bus go zoom, zoom? Yes, they do. 4. Does the horn of the bus go beep, beep? Yes, it does. 5. Do the doors on the bus go open and shut? Yes, they do.
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