ответить на вопрос по : .is it important to eat healthy food? why? (желательно 3 предложения)

PRO100RAMZAN PRO100RAMZAN    1   05.06.2019 20:20    5

Dimastem Dimastem  06.07.2020 08:15
I believe it is important to eat healthy food, but principle thing is that it must be tasty and it shouldn't be like a punishment for you. First of all it makes you feel better in general, like it is easier to get up early in the morning and stuff like that. Secondly you are able to avoid health problems, like high blood pressure or obesity.
Azozylya Azozylya  06.07.2020 08:15
Healthy food should be consumed. then everyone will be strong and not hvoritymut
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