ответить на тестовый вопрос по я зыку! iv. выберите грамматическую форму, соответствующую структуре “сложное дополнение” (complex object). 1. i expect you … the details of the contract by monday. a. studied b. study c. to study 2. we want… to persuade our partners to sign the agreement. a. her b. she c. herself 3. everybody knows … to be a successful businessman. a. he b. himself c. him 4. they heard … talk about a rapid growth rate of our major competitor. a. her b. she c. herself 5. we made …concentrate more on customer service. a. them b. they c. themselves

svetar2014 svetar2014    1   25.08.2019 06:40    4

Zaher11 Zaher11  05.10.2020 18:12

1. I expect you c. to study … the details of the contract by Monday.

2. We want a. her … to persuade our partners to sign the agreement.

3. Everybody knows c. him … to be a successful businessman.

4. They heard a. her … talk about a rapid growth rate of our major competitor.

5. We made a. them …concentrate more on customer service.

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