ответить на письмо jane и на ее вопросы(другим письмом): week is going to be rather busy for me. some of our relatives are coming to stay whith us over easter. my aunt and her husband are coming with their child. tomorrow i'll be busy buying a new dress and shoping for easter souvenirs. how do you usually celebrate easter? how are you going to spend easter holidays? what have you bought as easter present?

danisdigger danisdigger    1   23.05.2019 18:10    2

SashaChif SashaChif  19.06.2020 12:34
Постараюсь оформить в форме ГИА.

                                                                                               Moscow, Russia

Dear Jane,

I'm very glad to receive your letter.
You ask me how I celebrate Easter. You see, not all Russians spend Easter, because it is a religious holiday. But I live in the devout family, so we are serious about it. The day before the Easter is troublesome. My mother always bake an Easter cake. I help her colouring eggs. It is a tradition. On Easter all our family comes together in our house. We sit at the holiday table and congratulate each other with the words "Christ is risen - He is risen indeed". This Easter we will celebrate in my granny's house. Yesterday I bought a little souvenir for her and a lot of chocolate eggs for my cousins. 
Keep me in touch.
Love, (твое имя) *точку в конце не ставь*
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