ответе заполните пропуски в предложения 1 l ll take some with my new camera 2 laura is going ta the to buy aspirin 3 we will stay at a very nice 4 marys got a she.s very hot 5 you can relax and have on holiday 6 do you want to a doctor 7 will you come with me in the mountains 8 white - water rafting can be 9 do you want to go to the for a swim 10 jimmy wants to see the statues at the выберите правильный пункт can\can;t 1 you swim here the beach is closed 2 you camp here lt's too dangerous 3 you wear your new shorts lt's hot outside

DuginBorodaIzVaty DuginBorodaIzVaty    2   17.05.2020 21:24    3

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