ответе Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными и задайте к ним общие во Переведи слова и выражения в скобках на английский язык.

1. (Неделю назад) we wrote a dictation in English.
2. (Недавно) the children went to the cinema.
3. The boys played football in the yard (вчера воскресенье) went to the village to see our grandmother.
5. ( Давно) my grandparents lived in the town of Minsk.

4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple Tense и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He (to come) to school after the first lesson yesterday.
2. The weather (to be) cold last week.
3. When I (to be) a little girl I (to spend) summer in the village.
4. I (to get) two good marks in English two days ago.
5. The children (to study) English two days ago.

Дарьятрофимова1 Дарьятрофимова1    3   29.04.2020 21:30    1

sof2008 sof2008  14.10.2020 03:43

2.1) Leonardo didn't work in Italy.

Did Leonardo work in Italy?

2) He didn't spend his last years in France.

Did he spend his last years in France?

3) Leonardo was not a genius.

Was Leonardo a genius?

4) He didn't construct a calculator.

Did he construct a calculator?

5) Leonardo didn't write backwards in “mirror writing”.

Did Leonardo write...?

3.1. Last week we wrote a dictation in English.

2. Recently the children went to the cinema.

3. The boys played football in the yard yesterday.

4. Last Sunday went to the village to see our grandmother.

5. For a long time(или Once) my grandparents lived in the town of Minsk.

4. 1. He came to school after the first lesson yesterday.

Он пришел в школу после первого урока вчера.

2. The weather was cold last week.

На неделе погода была холодной.

3. When I was a little girl I spent summer in the village.

Когда я была маленькой, я провела лето в деревне.

4. I got two good marks in English two days ago.

Я получил две хорошие оценки по английскому два дня назад.

5. The children studied English two days ago.

Дети учили английский два дня назад.

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