ответе на вопросы. только не надо коротко на них ! пишите развёрнуто. нельзя просто написать- yes l do или no l don't. ! ​ вам должно начисляться 8 !

Айнель2006 Айнель2006    2   10.05.2019 20:48    0

A01AA0 A01AA0  09.06.2020 20:16

2. I get up, have my breakfast and then I begin working on my homework.

3. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. But, usually I’m just lazy doing it.

4. I dress before breakfast.

5. I go to bed very late, sometimes at 10 or 12.

1. I have breakfast at 8 o’clock, dinner at 11, and supper at 7.

2. I always have dinner at home.

3. At home of course.

1. Nope, I stayed in the town.

2. I go to the country during holidays, and then I come back to the town.

3. During winter holidays.

4. At home with my family and friends.

5. Maybe during summer holidays, but it’s not confirmed yet.


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