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What subjects are you good at?
What do you study? What's your main subject?
What made you decide to go to this college?
Which is harder: to study in college or in school?
What advice would you give a secondary-school pupil who is about to go to college? Does education guarantee a good job?


Yarik176 Yarik176    2   06.05.2020 13:33    725

tskripko tskripko  25.12.2023 11:27
"What subjects are you good at?" - This question is asking about the subjects that the teacher excels in. The teacher can answer by mentioning subjects such as English, Math, Science, and any other subjects in which they have a strong understanding and knowledge. They can further explain why they are good at those subjects, mentioning their interest, dedication, and effort put into studying those subjects.

"What do you study? What's your main subject?" - This question is asking about the teacher's field of study and their main subject. The teacher can mention their degree or major, such as Bachelor of Arts in English or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. They can explain their passion for the subject and how they enjoy studying and teaching it.

"What made you decide to go to this college?" - This question is inquiring about the reasons behind the teacher's decision to attend this particular college. The teacher can answer by mentioning various factors such as the college's reputation, the availability of their chosen program or major, scholarships or financial aid opportunities, the location, or any personal connections they may have had with the college. They can elaborate on how their decision aligns with their aspirations and goals.

"Which is harder: to study in college or in school?" - This question is asking for a comparison between the difficulty levels of studying in college and in school. The teacher can explain that both college and school have their own challenges, but the level of difficulty can vary depending on the individual's interests, study habits, and the requirements of the specific courses or programs. They can emphasize the importance of time management, self-discipline, and dedication required for success in both institutions.

"What advice would you give a secondary-school pupil who is about to go to college?" - This question is seeking advice for a secondary-school student who is preparing to enter college. The teacher can give several suggestions such as: developing good study habits, setting academic and personal goals, seeking help and support when needed, actively participating in class and campus activities, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. They can also emphasize the importance of exploring different opportunities, being open to new experiences, and making the most of their college journey.

"Does education guarantee a good job?" - This question is inquiring about the relationship between education and job prospects. The teacher can explain that while education greatly enhances one's chances of securing a good job, it is not an absolute guarantee. They can emphasize that education provides valuable knowledge, skills, and qualifications, which are highly valued by employers. However, other factors such as personal qualities, work experience, networking, and the job market conditions also influence the chances of getting a good job. Overall, education significantly increases the likelihood of obtaining a rewarding career, but individual efforts and other factors also play a crucial role.