Откройте скобки, используя конструкцию complex object. 1. do you want (they, stay) at the hotel? 2. i let (she, tell) me the news. 3. nina makes (they, be late) for dinner. 4.he asks (she, invite) him to the party. 5.my mother doesn t let (i, buy) the dress by saturday. 6.i would like (he, learn) this poem by heart.

Милана2345 Милана2345    3   02.10.2019 19:20    1

aimnura73 aimnura73  09.10.2020 12:20

Местоимение ставится в объектный падеж, перед глаголом ставим to

1. Do you want them to stay at the hotel?  

2. I let her to tell me the news.

3. Nina makes them to be late for dinner.

4.He asks her invite him to the party.

5.My mother doesn t let mebuy the dress by Saturday.

6.I would like him learn this poem by heart.

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