Read the text below and choose the right answer to the questions after the text.
I'm very worried when people throw away litter. Think of all the litter around.
Soon there won't be any more places free of it. People should do something about
litter before it's too late! The Earth is affected by this pollution. Litter goes into the
water and spoils it. We cannot live without water. Water must be clean. We can
reduce water pollution. We shouldn't throw litter into the water. We must put litter
into garbage bins.
As for the air, there are more and more factories and cars in our world with each
day. They produce CO2. CO2 is bad for our health and it is also bad for the
environment. Plus CO2 causes climate change and global warming. We need clean
air to stay alive. But factories and cars pollute the air. What can we do to reduce air
pollution? On my opinion, we can walk or cycle to school instead of going by cars.
Also forests help us to reduce air pollution because they produce 02. So, forests
can help to clean the air from CO2. But people use a lot of paper nowadays. We
need paper at homes, at work, at school, almost everywhere. The more paper we
use, the more trees are cut down. What must we do to save forests? As for me, I
think we must recycle paper. But a lot of people don't recycle paper, because they
think it's a waste of time. But it isn't correct. When paper is recycled, less trees ar
cut down. So, we must recycle our paper to save forests.
1) The author of the text says
a) that he is concerned about throwing away litter.
b) that he is not concerned about throwing away litter.
c) that throwing away litter is not a problem.​

kurban052 kurban052    3   16.12.2020 08:14    43

влад2317 влад2317  21.12.2023 06:47
Ответ a) that he is concerned about throwing away litter.

В тексте автор говорит о том, что он очень обеспокоен выбрасыванием мусора. Он призывает людей что-то сделать с мусором до тех пор, пока не стало слишком поздно. Он также говорит о том, что мусор попадает в воду и портит ее, а также о том, что мусор нельзя бросать в воду, а нужно выбрасывать его в урны.
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