Отдаю все свои с окр по английскому Выбери правильный вариант.

1)If I move / I’ll move to Boston, I will live on Main Street.

2)If we were late for class, our teacher will be/ would be angry.

3)If you call / you’ll call your mother, she’ll be very happy.

4)If you had phoned me yesterday, I had told / would have told you the news.

II. Составь условные предложения

1)He is busy and does not come to see us. If

2)The girl didn't study well last year and received bad marks. If

3)He broke his bicycle and so he didn't go to the country. If

4)He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If

III. Составь мини диалог. Прочитай фразы. Подбери к каждой фразе подходящую ответную реплику.

- Hello, Ann. Haven't seen you for ages. How are you getting on?

- (1)

- Why? Has anything happened? You look rather tired.

- (2)

- Have you changed your job? I remember you didn't have to get up at such an early hour of the morning.

- (3)

- Cheer up, dear. There are only 4 days left to the end of it.


(a) - I say, the problem is I have to get up very early these days and as you know I'm not an early riser

(b) - Thank you. See you later

(c) - Hello, Susan. Frankly speaking, so-so.

(d)- Oh, no, certainly, not. But my boss has asked me to start my office hours at 7.45 this month.

IV. Составь предложения из предложенных слов.

l. Not far, we, from, the park, live.

2. Is, all, why, crying, the baby, time?
3. Talking, what, he, about, is?

4. To, how, she, go, does, work?

V. Перепишите каждое из следующих предложений дважды, образуя предложения нереального условия:

а) относящиеся к настоящему или будущему,

b) относящиеся к

MaxPlayTheme MaxPlayTheme    2   15.04.2020 08:42    81

тая112 тая112  13.10.2020 06:44


1. If I move to Boston, I’ll live on Main Street.

2. If you call your mother, she’ll be very happy.

3. If the mechanic fixes our car on time, we’ll drive to Center ville.

4. If it rains today, we won’t go to the park.

5. If I’m not in a hurry tonight, I’ll write to her.

6. If she isn’t sick, she’ll go to school.

7. If they’re tired tomorrow, they won’t go to work.

8. If John doesn’t buy a new car, he’ll buy a motorcycle.


1. He is busy and does not come to see us. If he wasn't busy, he would come to see us. (Он занят и не приходит к нам. Если бы он не был занят, он пришел бы к нам).

2. The girl didn't study well last year and received bad marks. If the girl had studied well last year, she would not have received bad marks. - (В году девочка плохо училась и получала плохие оценки. Если бы девушка хорошо училась в году, она бы не получила плохих оценок).

3. He broke his bicycle and so he didn't go to the country. If he hadn't broken his bicycle, he would have gone to the country. - (Он сломал свой велосипед, и поэтому он не поехал в деревню. Если бы он не сломал свой велосипед, он бы отправился в деревню).

4. He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If he had practice, he would speak English well. - (Он плохо говорит по-английски: у него нет практики. Если бы у него была практика, он бы хорошо говорил по-английски)


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