, от У меня больше нет. Task 1.

Match the verbs with the nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases using: I enjoy, I’m not interested, I’m fond of, I don’t like, I’m good at.

collect the Internet

surf documentaries

play models

watch board games

build coins

1) I enjoy

2) I’m not interested in

3) I’m fond of

4) I don’t like

5) I’m good at

Task 2.

Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) She (study) now.

2) They (prepare) for the final exam these days.

3) I (make) coffee every morning, but today I (drink) tea.

4) Look! The ice (to melt).

5) I (not like) to watch TV very often. But at the moment I (watch) my favourite film.

6) She (see) her dentist today and she (not like) it at all.

7) You (not listen) to the radio. Turn it off, please.

Task 3.

Fill in the gaps with was/were and choose the correct adjective. Write full sentences. 1) When I saw a big angry dog, I frightened/embarrassed. 2) When I told her that they were going to Disneyland, she ecstatic/sad. 3) When he made a mistake in front of the whole class, he confident/embarrassed. 4) After they worked hard for the whole day, they confused/tired. 5) When my sister broke down my game console, I happy/angry.

Alina12345611109 Alina12345611109    3   02.02.2022 05:54    4

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